Kenya Visa

Kenya Visa Visa from Pakistan

Kenya is a nation in East Africa with coastline on the Indian Sea. It incorporates savannah, lakelands, the sensational Incredible Crack Valley and mountain good countries. It's likewise home to untamed life like lions, elephants and rhinos. Captial city of Kenya is Nairobi.

Nairobi is additionally home to the National Gallery, with displays crossing local craftsmanship to regular history, and the wandering Maasai Market. Shoreline resorts line the drift around Malindi, whose dynamic coral reefs make Watamu Marine National Stop a prominent plunging territory. It's conceivable to climb or climb 5,199m-tall Mt. Kenya, whose blanketed pinnacles command the focal good countries. In the west, Lake Nakuru National Stop shields a gigantic flamingo populace. Lamu Island offers peaceful shorelines, mosques and visits in the area's run of the mill dhow water crafts, known for their inclined triangular sails and pointed bows.

Kenya Visa Requirements

  • Passport Scan Copy.
  • Original Nadra ID card
  • 1 Picture with White Background.
  • CNIC Copy
  • 3-4 Working Days

Embassy in Pakistan

Kenya High Commission
Address: Plot # 1-2-3, St # 27, Ramna 5 Diplomatic Enclave Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: +92 51 2601504-6
Fax: +92 51 2601507

Embassy in Kenya

St. Michael’s Road, Off Church Road, Off Waiyaki Way,
Westlands Nairobi P.O. Box 30045, 00100 Kenya
Phone: (+254) 4443911/2
Fax: (+254) 4446507